Thursday, September 30, 2010

Ode to Coney Island

These are some of the first models I made when I started learning Maya about 2 years ago.

I'm still pretty happy with these models, although this was back before I knew much about texturing so you'll notice a lot of n00b mistakes. It was also before I knew much about rendering, hence the pixel-y screen shots and poor lighting.

To do these, I went to Coney Island, took pictures of the stuff there from every angle, wrote down notes about how many planks were in a bench, how many sides were in the gazebo and then started construction from there.

Although my last name causes many people to believe otherwise, I was born and raised in BROOKLYN and am very proud of it. There's something innately gritty, aggressive, and yet charming about Brooklyn and being from Brooklyn.

Coney Island holds many memories for me: from childhood adventures through the amusement park, to teenage romance on the boardwalk, to drunken wandering on the beach, this grimy, bizarre, slightly dangerous location has been a consistent source of good times.

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